Wednesday, February 25 Lexi Krueger
Today we all woke up really early and we attended the Ash Wednesday Mass service. I woke up earlier to take a shower. The shower was freezing!!!! But I am used to that because of Kenyan showers. When we got into the Crypt section our group had to break up to find seats…. I ended up sitting next to a very kind lady, who shared a bulletin with me. The priest gave his message, afterward we went up and received an ash cross on our foreheads. They said, “Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you shall return.” It was so interesting to just listen to them saying that over and over again and the meaning really started to sink in. We are dust and that God can do anything to us. After the mass, we went and had breakfast. After breakfast, we walked about a mile down to the metro station, got on and then headed for the Museum of American History. We all saw the original American “Star Spangled Banner” flag, then we all spllt up and explored the three different levels. Brendan, my dad and I started down in the transportations sections. It was so exciting to see how our lives have evolved with the inventions, such as the steam engine and the light bulb. We then made our way up to the part about the different wars. When we were walking through the different parts of the exhibits, it seemed as though you had already been there, when in fact we hadn’t. After we left, we walked to the metro station again and boarded, all ready to be going back. Part of the group (including me) almost missed the train, because the doors were almost closing. We were all freaked out because the lady had told us that the doors did not reopen, so if anything was stuck it was stuck until the doors opened again. Now it is a quiet time at the Cathedral, and we are all going exploring around. .jpg)
Hi Carden Gang! It has been so fun reading your blog and viewing the incredible pictures. What a fabulous time you are all having! My class was particularly interested in reading every entry, so we spent yesterday morning getting caught up with your trip. This morning we awoke to about 1 inch of snow! School has been delayed for 2 hours, ss I thought I would say "Hi".
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for your everyday, asking God to keep you safe, healthy, and unified in spirit.
It must have been an incredible service at the National Cathedral.
Keep doing what you're doing - we all couldn't be more proud of you!
Mrs. Rohl
ReplyDeleteIt made me smile to think of all of you attending an Ash Wednesday service in DC while Kata and I attended a very small Ash Wednesday service right here on BI @ Cross Sound; we both wore an ash cross on our forehead all day long too.
I love seeing DC through each of your eyes...you are doing a tremendous job writing and keeping all of us @ home connected.
And, you all have such strong voices....
We are all so proud of you.